Your electric or gas meter has four or five dials in a row numbered in opposite directions, or it may have a digital screen. Gas is measured in units of 100 cubic feet and electricity is measured in kilowatt hours. For dial meters, each dial must be read accurately to represent your correct usage.
To read your electric or gas dial meter, record the numbers left to right as indicated by the dial pointers on the four dials. If the dial pointer is between two numbers, read the lowest of the two numbers, except when the dial pointer is between 0 and 9, in which case you would record the number 9.
To read your digital meter, read the numbers on the display from left to right.
In order to submit a meter reading, you will need the following information; account number (refer to your bill), meter number, your meter reading, and read date. Follow these easy steps: Gather all the above required information and submit your reading using one of the following methods:
If you have an indoor meter, we will require access to the meter once a year to get an actual read. In lieu of a once/year read and to ensure accurate reads are reflected on your bill, you may choose to provide a key for Pike County Light and Power to use monthly. You may also arrange a time for us to read your meter by calling 570-832-2988.
If you are not reading your own meter, Pike will read your meter once a month during the last week of the month. You should receive your bill within 7-10 days of a reading.