You have the following options for your energy supply when third party supplier(s) are available:

(at this time, there are no third-party suppliers available that are accepting new customers)

  • Keep PCL&P's default service and receive a market-based rate for electric supply.
  • Alternatively, you can choose your electric supply service from alternate suppliers, IF ANY ARE AVAILABLE. You may or may not pay market cost with an alternate supplier. It is up to you to understand what rate they will charge you.
  • For residential and small business customers, check PowerSwitch.
  • To help you in your selection of an electric supplier, PCL&P has prepared its Energy Shopper's Guide.
  • PCL&P maintains a list of its customers, which is made available to licensed suppliers in PCL&P's territory. If you do not want to be included on this list, please call Customer Service at 1-855-855-2050. If you don't take action to opt-out, you'll be included on the Eligible Customer List persuant to requirements of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.


    We purchase electric supply in the wholesale spot market and pass the rates down to you at no mark up.

    Default service charges are determined quarterly and are comprised of the following
    • Forecast Market Price of Electric Supply
    • Electric Supply Adjustment Charge (a quarterly reconciliation of forecast electricity costs vs. actual costs); and
    • An adjustment for recovery of the Pennsylvania Gross Receipts Tax.

    For PCL&P's historical, quarterly, market-based electric supply charges, please view PCL&P's Electric Default Service Charges here , or view it in our tariffs.

Where you can get more information

Visit The Office of Consumer Advocate to compare the current monthly price of different service offerings. The price information on the website is updated monthly.

Other important facts

If you choose an Electric Generation Supplier, everything else with regard to your PCL&P service will remain the same.

  • We'll still deliver the electricity to your home or business through our existing wires.
  • We'll continue to read the meter, provide customer assistance and respond to emergencies in case of a power outage.
  • We'll send you one bill each month, with a separate page showing your electric supply costs. For your convenience, you'll make only one monthly payment to us and we'll pay your Electric Generation Supplier directly.
  • We'll work to maintain the safety and reliability of our energy delivery system.

List of Energy Suppliers

Currently, no third-party electric suppliers are taking new customers in our service territory.

PCL&P's Price to Compare is the quarterly, variable Electric Default Service Charge (EDSC) with estimated taxes included. When you click on the Learn More box below, Pike's quarterly EDSC statements are viewable. Look at the right most column in each statement to compare our electric prices to another company's supply charges.